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maina gasolina, marina vaselina Just after signing with Domino Records and right before they hit the UK, touring with Ed Banger, Brazilian fighting force Bonde Do Role took some time out to talk to KNOTORYUS about their favourite party drinks & fashion designers, meeting Marie from Roxette and boys dressing up as butch lesbians.

Knotoryus: Who's the coolest famous person you've met since you've started?


Knotoryus: Who would you like to meet next? Marina: Courtney Love. Gorky and Pedro: Our real dads. READ THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW AFTER THE JUMP

Knotoryus: Your music seems perfect for the infamous 'Brazil Funk Balls'. Did you start out at those parties? Gorky: Actually no, we live too far from Rio to be out of that scene. We'd love to, though.

Knotoryus: Did you go to those parties before you started the band? What are they like? Gorky: We've only been to those parties after we started the band, and they're simply MENTAL! 1,000+ people dancing and drinking until they fall.

Knotoryus: Name three things or people from Belgium you like. Gorky: The Dewaele bros (well, everyone from soulwax), that guy from dEUS who screamed FRIDAY on suds and soda and Jacques Brel!

Knotoryus: Marina, Uffie (from Ed banger) once complained that people don't know the difference between a sexed-up stage persona and a real person, so girls & boys tend to treat her like a slut because she sings dirty lyrics. Do you have that problem? How do you handle it? Marina: People can think or say anything about me, as long as they're talking about me.

Knotoryus: So boys: which pick-up lines do you use to get sex after the show? Pedro: Everytime I try to say anything, I screw things up. Gorky: I don't use any, I'm the ugly duckling of the band.

Knotoryus: Who's the coolest famous person you've met since you've started? All at once: JOHN WATERS! MARIE FROM ROXETTE! WOO HOO!

Knotoryus: OK, who's the most famous person in your phonelist, then? Gorky: Maybe Pedro? Marina: Maybe Gorky? Pedro: Maybe Marina?

Knotoryus: Who would you like to meet next? Marina: Courtney Love. Gorky and Pedro: Our real dads.

bonde on stage

Knotoryus: What's your favorite place in the world? Pedro and Marina: Toilets Gorky: My bed

Knotoryus: Who knows the best party tricks and give us 1 example? Pedro: blagging for free drinks with anyone. I mean, ANYONE. Knotoryus: What is the best party you've been to so far?

Gorky: girlcore, a straight party where all the guys dress up as ugly drag queens (aka women) and the girls dress up as boys (aka butch lesbians).

Knotoryus: What's your poison ona night like that? Gorky: Orange Juice and vodka. Pedro: Beer. Marina: Sex on the beach.

Knotoryus: Who is your favorite designer?

Gorky: There's this brazilian guy called Alexandre Herchcovitch and he's really awesome!

Knotoryus: Which –not yet famous- talented person or collective or brand should everybody know?

Gorky: There's tons of people! Radioclit, The Death Set, Brodinski, Passions... the list goes on and on.

Knotoryus: What's the best thing about success?

Gorky: Going to bed really late.

Knotoryus: Ok, so what's the worst thing about success?

Gorky: Waking up really early.

Knotoryus: Tell us two things everybody should know about Diplo …


#1: his mom is way cooler than him (thank you djmom) and #2: he's not really blonde, you know...

Knotoryus: Please finish this sentence:

Bonde Do Role is here to save the planet from... english breakfast!


Top 3 movies: John Waters' Desperate Living, Mike Judge's Office Space and Team America.

Top 3 books: Bulgakov's Master and Margarita (Marina) and Penis Pokey (Pedro and Gorky).