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Grimes has been a staple on my playlists since what feels like forever. And that was just based on mp3's leached from music blogs. Now there's a stunning debut album. With artwork that looks like this:

(That's her own art by the way.) Grimes is really Claire Boucher. If you look her up on WikiPedia, you'll find stories like this:

"In 2009, Claire Boucher and her then-boyfriend from Tennessee constructed a 20-foot houseboat, named the "Velvet Glove Cast in Iron," with the intention to sail it down the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to New Orleans. The cargo included chickens, a typewriter, 20 pounds of potatoes and a gifted copy of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Boucher and her companion adopted the names "Varuschka" and "Zelda Xox" for the trip.[8] Due to engine trouble and subsequent harassment from the Minnesota police, the journey was cut short and the houseboat and chickens were impounded.[8]"

And now there's a first video, which is for 'Oblivion' and directed by Emily Kai Bock. Grimes is fast becoming 'an obsession I feel comfortable with' (phrase culled from Emily's documentary 'A Space For Kyle').

Watch the video and the documentary after the jump.

And really, if you only watch one video this week (or month), let this be it.

[youtube JtH68PJIQLE nolink]

[vimeo 30715523 nolink]