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marilynchampagnegayer.jpg Yep, I definitely had the best month ...

I got to reunite with old friends, met some new ones, finally waved goodbye to a couple of shady ones.

Living well is the best revenge and I get that now.

Shacking up with the handsome philosopher & zen-master that is LGF will do that to you.


(Kanye, Fonzworth Bentley, tAz Arnold)

Highlights of this month were definitely being able to talk to tAz Arnold and Fonzworth Bentley.

My tAz report, you can read here. (I love tAz - thank you for the wonderful pictures!)

The interview with Fonzworth Bentley was one of the most challenging ever.

I utterly admire how he built his career and I'm sorry, but he's got the best swag. No competition.

But this is like talking to the queen mother. There's protocol. And you force that protocol upon yourself because he is etiquette personified.

Of course I fucked it up during my second sentence. When I'm doing phoners (interviews via telephone) I always want to tell the people on the other side something about myself. Let them know they're talking to this really cool in-the-know chick and all that. (It never works btw, so don't try at home.)

This time my little self-promoting thing made it sound like I had been listening to 2Live Crew non-stop since I was twelve. It's not what I meant. But it's what it sounded like.

So Mr Bentley went -and I quote : "okaay then..."  *long silence*

(during which he was probably making eye contact with security).

After that it went well.

I love passionate people.

We talked for 45 minutes. And I ended the interview myself. Nobody told me to stop talking.

You don't even get 45 minutes with your little cousins garage band any more. (yeah, we got to go, we're doing Nylon later)

I even made Mr. Bentley laugh a couple of times. Like an honest chuckle.

I will put highlights of the interview up later. It's 22° C outside and we're having a KNOTORYUS al fresco meeting this afternoon.

Don't forget to pick up your copy of DSM tomorrow!

(1st pic via MOB. What's up Tab!)