
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Say Hello to the 10 Minute James Murphy (Steve Reich) Remix of David Bowie's 'Love Is Lost'

Say Hello to the 10 Minute James Murphy (Steve Reich) Remix of David Bowie's 'Love Is Lost'

So, I'm just going to come out and say it: I'm glad LCD Soundsystem retired.

First of all, it seems to me James Murphy will actually be happier (you deserve it James!) and at the same time more melancholic and more doubtful and heroic (more himself I guess). Also: it frees up his time make more incredible tracks like this David Bowie 'Love is Lost' remix, using Steve Reich handclaps and cheeky references to Bowie's archive. Bowie's lyrics ("Your house and even your eyes are new" - are you kidding me? So good....) don't get overpowered by the beats. The 'I'm dancing to get rid of the sadness, not because I'm happy' mood is a great fit for Bowie's latest album. Can someone get James Murphy in a room with Will Oldham, please? But only when his work with the Cavalera brothers is finished. Is anyone else stoked about that? Because I am.

I Worry like Donald Glover

I Worry like Donald Glover

Knotoryus Talks to Minju Kim at the Minju Kim for H&M Launch

Knotoryus Talks to Minju Kim at the Minju Kim for H&M Launch