
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Play Demna for a Day at Dover Street Market

Play Demna for a Day at Dover Street Market

At Dover Street Market London, where shopping is never boring, a DIY Balanciaga printing installation will be set up from November 30 until December 17, 2017. 

Calling the two work stations an 'Office style printing facility ', DSM-L says clientele will be able to access a library containing Balenciaga graphics and logotypes, choose their own placement and press “send to print” to wear the final result.  

Balenciaga logo by Bureau Mirko Borsche

Balenciaga logo by Bureau Mirko Borsche

A sculpture from the artist Mark Jenkins and video screens will complete this special installation.

Mark Jenkins 'The Thin Line' sculpture

Mark Jenkins 'The Thin Line' sculpture

The products, for women and men, are available in white, grey, black, red and two alternative fits. 

The Balenciaga Copyshop

Dover Street Market London

November 30th to December 17th

Good luck and don't fuck it up. 

Balenciaga logo by Bureau Mirko Borsche

Balenciaga logo by Bureau Mirko Borsche

Sufjan Stevens - The Greatest Gift

Sufjan Stevens - The Greatest Gift

About UN/CUT, The Major Monograph By Pascal van Loenhout

About UN/CUT, The Major Monograph By Pascal van Loenhout