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We Need to Talk About Kanye West & Zane Lowe

I remember those interning days I used to stay late in the office and wait for Zane Lowe and his Boys to go into the viewing rooms so I could grab my readily random stack of intern-available tapes and sit there with not plugged in headphones and just listen in to them talking about music (I don't like it unless it's Brand:New). Most of the time they were loudly screaming at each other dissecting the new music that was coming in. It was the best thing ever. That, by the way, only lasted for 6 weeks until one of the Heads of Production told me I could not stay later than the people in charge of me. He meant well.

Listening to Zane Lowe go "WOW",  "HOW DO YOU DO IT" while putting his back into it is still the shit.

I can't wait to hear the other parts of this interview. I will always consider this proper education.